
A personal message from William Greer

Sponsor William Greer now!

Friends and Family:


I pledged to run 25 laps on April 1, 2017 to raise funds for the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities in the ADAPT OF TEXAS FUNRUN. Although I can complete the 25 laps in one hour I cannot raise the money without your help and support.


The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities (www.txdisabilities.org) is a non-profit organization that advocates for the social and civil rights of all Texans with disabilities. This organization ensures that Texans with disabilities have the same rights to housing, health care, recreation and employment as all other Texans.Your pledge will help the CTD continue this important advocacy work.

You can support me by making a pledge at http://adaptfunrun.net/message/1097. You can either pledge a flat amount or at least one dollar per lap. All donations are tax deductible. 


I greatly appreciate your support and look forward to receiving your donation.


William Greer


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